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Advertise In Cassandra Mack's Da'Glow Magazine

Why Advertise In Magazines?


Magazine readers tend to be more engaged viewers than people who solely browse the web. The readers of magazines typically are interested in the subject or theme of the magazine. There are many magazines that are targeted to a specific demographic. By promoting a product or service that is closely related to the theme of the magazine it is more likely that you will be able to reach your target audience; because you are advertising in a space where people are already seeking information like yours or at least open to finding out more about your product or service.


Another factor in the success of magazine advertisements is the possibility of ongoing exposure and repeated readership. People typically keep magazines in places where visitors can see them at a glance like a magazine rack, bookshelf or table. Think doctor’s office, Some people display magazines on their coffee tables and some display the cover as wall art, making the magazine a point of focus and a conversation  piece.


Since print magazines are static and many of the articles are evergreen, readers are able to see your ad over and over, even if they are reading a magazine months or years after it has been published. Your ad has a longer shelf life in a print magazine than it does on a magazine website or social media platform which has to frequently update the latest post.


Magazines are a great option for advertisers who want their product or service to stand out. With digital fatigue and social media overload becoming more prevalent, many people are reverting back to classic ways in which to consume their favorite content including the desire for a more tactile experience. Magazine ads have an edge over online advertising because as people grow tired of digital only experiences magazines offer people the chance to own a physical copy of the items they enjoy collecting and making a hobby of. Magazines can be cherished, celebrated, given to friends & family as physical gifts and shared with loved ones tangibly in a way that a website-based magazine cannot.

Things To Consider When You Invest Your Marketing Dollars To Purchase An Ad


If you’re investing in an advertisement, you are already serious about growing and promoting your business. You’ve probably already spent a lot of time thinking about how to carefully create a compelling message by way of the words and images you use. You’ve thought about grabbing the attention of your target customer with a great headline, using the right images and supporting copy to get your message across.


Choosing the right type of ad should always be a consideration in any effective marketing strategy. To get the maximum return from your advertising dollars, you need to not only consider what copy and images to place in your ad, but also what size ad will help you get seen by the most people.

  • An example of an ad you might create could be an advertisement for your private practice or coaching business. The ad might showcase a photo of you along with the coaching services you offer or your specialization if you are a therapist

  • Another example of an ad could be an advertisement for your Podcast. The ad might showcase a photo of your podcast logo along with your podcast tagline and additional info about your podcast. 


The size of your Ad is incredibly important to your promotional strategy. Getting this right can make all the difference in gaining maximum exposure for your advertisement investment. Following are some things to consider as you decide which size ad you’d like to purchase.

​​The Cover of The Magazine: You may think a magazine only has one cover, but magazines actually have 4 covers: the outside front cover, the inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover. Besides the outside front cover (which is not available for ads in our magazine) the most desired of these advertising positions is the very back cover, followed by the inside front cover.


Back Cover Full Page Ad / Price: $2,000 (One time ad)

Full page ads occupy one full page in our magazine. The back cover (Outside Page) of a magazine is often the most expensive advertising position because it's in high demand and is the most prominent place that most readers will see after they view the outside front cover. The back cover is often the last impression that readers are left with making the back cover ad most memorable.


Inside Front Cover Full Page Ad/ Price: $1,500 (One time ad)

Full page ads occupy one full page in our magazine. The inside front cover (IFC) of a magazine is the first page that readers see when they open a magazine and is considered premium advertising space. The (IFC) often faces the table of contents and or editor's welcome page/introduction, which are frequently read and referred back to, which means that your ad is seen over and over again. 

Inside Back Cover Full Page Ad/ Price: $1,250  (One time ad)

Full page ads occupy one full page in our magazine. The inside back cover (IBC) of a magazine is the last page that readers see before the Back Cover (Outside Page) and is considered premium advertising space. The (IBC) often faces the editor's closing words final thoughts, which are frequently read and referred back to, which means that your ad is seen over and over again. 

Interior Pages Full Page Ad / Price: $875 (One time ad)

Full page ads occupy one full page in our magazine. Full page ads carefully placed next to featured content, interesting articles or our creative activity pages are prime magazine real estate because your ad will be placed opposite a page that readers will spend extended time on creating more visibility for your business, ministry, product, or brand. Full pages are one of the most popular ad size, as they give plenty of dedicated space to get your brand message across.

Interior Pages Half Page Ad (Horizontal) / Price: $650 (One time ad)

Half Page ads will occupy half of a page in our magazine. They provide a larger space compared to quarter page ads, allowing you to include more content, images, and details about your product, business, ministry, event. Half page ads are often chosen by those who want to make a significant visual impact with their ad while considering cost considerations.

Requirements For Submitting Your Ad

1. Resolution: For best results ads should be submitted at a resolution of 300 dpi/ Ads at lower resolutions may result in poor print quality at your own risk.


2. File Format: The best file format for display ad submissions is PDF. JPEG files are not ideal due to their image compression. (We are not able to convert your files for you)


3. Colors: Colors may differ slightly from how they appear on your screen, so please allow for slight color variance. Each digital screen displays color differently as does the printed page so please be aware that the actual ad may appear to be slightly different in color than what you see on your computer or phone screen.

4. Check & Double-Check Your Ad Before Submitting It To Us: Make sure to go over your ad with a fine-tooth comb for spelling, grammar and your desired format. If we accept your ad submission, it will be displayed in our magazine as you submitted it. We do not edit your grammar, spelling  or your editorial copy. We do not provide advertising editorial services.

  • Disclaimer: Strategies For Empowered Living, Cassandra Mack Ministries and Casandra Mack will not promote or advertise anything political, profanity, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, anything obscene, sexual, illegal, violent, promoting firearms, something-known-to-be-a-scam, hateful, or derogatory towards any persons or anything that conflicts with our brand. We reserve the right to refuse to advertise any product/service/event/business/ministry/organization/message that is a conflict of interest with our mission, message and brand. Thank you!

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